Leadership, Equity and Access for Languages (LEAL) Project
Proyecto LEAL: Liderazgo, Equidad y Acceso para Lenguajes
LEAL is affiliated with the Center for Equity & Biliteracy Education Research (CEBER) at San Diego State University
LEAL Equips Leaders to Shape Education Policy
LEAL Project provides in-service teachers the instructional approaches and tools that are specifically sensitive to the language demands of multilingual learners and will help generate much-needed leadership in this important area across the San Diego and Imperial Valley regions.
LEAL Highlights
LEAL Project offers professional learning to elevate teachers' knowledge, dispositions, and skills emphasizing their contributions to policymaking at their schools and districts through equity and global perspectives.
"Equity leadership requires that kind of commitment, courage, and self-selection from all of us. It requires us to imagine equitable spaces and ideas that we have not seen in practice. To do this leaders need a bold vision, significant knowledge and skills, and collaboration with many people (Freire et al., 2024). - The Handbook of Dual Language Bilingual Education"
LEAL Partnerships
LEAL Project is in partnership with San Diego State University Global Campus, San Diego County Office of Education Multilingual Education and Global Achievement, and WestEd.
LEAL Project currently partners with four local education agencies: San Ysidro School District, Calexico Unified School District, San Diego Unified School District and Chula Vista Learning Community Charter School.
LEAL Certificate
The certificate program uses a hybrid model, with courses taking place online and in person. The curricula focuses on equity and is designed to empower educators to participate in policymaking at their school sites and in their districts.
- Learning outcomes: Emphasize teacher leaders’ contributions to policymaking at their schools and districts
- Four courses that emphasize global awareness: (a) Equity in Language, (b) Equity in Systems, (c) Equity in Assessment and Accountability, and d) Equity in Action
- Currently in development, courses are to be aligned with SDSU DLE M.A. and SDSU/CGU Ph.D. pathways
- Six-week sequential intervals of one course at a time with structured breaks between courses
- Two courses in the Fall and two courses in the Spring (connected to existing conferences and community events)
- Tuition Free and Stipend Available
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Leadership, Equity and Access for Languages (LEAL), San Diego State University, U.S. Department of Education Award Number: T365Z220149